Remembering maturity, drawn by Sergey Barkhin 

Publisher: Twins (Bliznetsy)
Series: The French
Publish date: 2019
Language: Russian
Translation: Sergey Bobrov
Dimensions: 50x35 cm
Edition: 22 copies

Recalling his maturity, the artist plunges the viewer into the abyss of the poetic rhythm of the revolutions of “One Summer in Hell” by A. Rimbaud. The colored silhouettes of the figures and the graphic outlines of the letters appear, as if in a counter-image against the background of the gloomy depth of black. Rimbaud is gripped and dreams of a journey that exposes social norms, attitudes, and coping strategies.

The author's project “The French” is published in a small edition in the silkscreen printing technique. The very fact of the appearance of the series deserves special attention since it goes beyond the typical tasks of modern book publishing. S. M. Barkhin has been illustrating French poets for a long time and reveals in a new way the direction in French art of the early twentieth century “livre d'artiste” (“the artist's book”), which received independent development in book illustration of the Soviet and post-Soviet period.

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