"Boris Novikov. Tips for a novice hunter"

Publisher: Twins (Bliznetsy)
Publish date: 2020
Author-compiler: T.M.Barkhina
Language: Russian
Paperback: 320 pages
Dimensions: 25х18 cm
Edition: 200

The life story of Boris Mikhailovich Novikov (1878-1938), a representative of the old Moscow merchant family of the Shanins, is intertwined with a great history, with the catastrophes of the XX century - the First World War, the revolution, the repressions of the 1920s and 1930s. A passionate hunter, cynologist, member of the Moscow Hunting Society named after Emperor Alexander II, an active figure in the public hunting movement, Boris Novikov is the author of numerous articles in hunting publications and a number of monographs that were written to help young hunters and have become a bibliographic rarity over time.
The publication is based on monographs of a recognized expert in hunting that contain valuable tips and recommendations. The sketch of life and work is accompanied by photographs from the family archive.



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