Saint Petersburg 1842 from the memoirs of Gerasim Khludov

Language: Russian

Publishing house: Twins (Bliznetsy)
Year of issue: 2022
Author-compiler: T.M.Barkhina
Number of pages: 110
Format: 165 by 200 cm
Cover Type: Soft with flap

This is the memoir of a young merchant's son, Gerasim Khludov, about his stay in Saint Petersburg in the year 1842, and is reproduced from the handwritten autograph preserved in the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI). The memoirs are accompanied by detailed commentary and conclude with a series of engravings and lithographs depicting views of Saint Petersburg from the early 19th century, created by renowned artists and engravers. The spelling and punctuation of the text have been modernised, while the linguistic characteristics of the time have been preserved.

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