Publisher: Twins (Bliznetsy)
Publish date: 2018
Author-compiler: Tatiana Barkhina
Language: Russian
Hardcover: 360 pages
Dimensions: 25х20 cm
Edition: 500 copies

“Architect Grigory Barkhin” is a monograph, dedicated to the life and creative work of a famous architect Grigory Borisovich Barkhin (1880-1969), Doctor of Architecture, professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Architecture of the USSR, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, who made a significant contribution to the development of Soviet architecture through many years of engagement with practical, scientific and pedagogical aspects of the profession.
G.B. Brakhin’s breadth of creative ideas and colossal energy allowed him to simultaneously work on projects in the architectural bureau, take part in numerous architectural competitions for different types of buildings, organized in the 1920s-30s, engage in educational and organizational activities. He actively participated in the work of the Moscow Architecture Society and was one of the founders of the Union of Moscow Architects.
The book was published for the anniversary of the birth of the architect and includes his memories, where G.B. Brakhin reflects on life, art, and architectural education.
After graduating from the Petersburg Academy of Arts in 1909 G.B. Barkhin worked for R.I.Klein’s architectural bureau, where he took part in a series of large projects and gained valuable experience.
The book also presents numerous awarded competition entries, projects, and buildings by G.B. Barkhin from 1909 to 1960, as well as fragments from the book “Architecture of the Theater” - a major scientific work published in 1947.
A very important place in the book is given to the most notable piece of architecture by G.B. Barkhin, a bright and memorable monument of Soviet architecture of the mid-twenties - the building of the editorial office and printing-house of the “Izvestia” newspaper. The architecture of the “Izvestia” building has successfully stood the test of time due to its architectural and artistic merits. Today it still dominates the architectural ensemble of Pushkin square, which has repeatedly changed its appearance since the construction of the “Izvestia” building in 1927.


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